No Matches

HPS-MC contains an extensive list of examples of running different components. These examples are designed to run on every machine that has a working installation of hps-mc. In addition to that, they should run relatively fast so that they allow new users to get a quick and extensive overview hps-mc and allow easy testing of functionality. Please see below for a list of all examples. The list contains links to the documentation of each example.

Job parameters

Each job in hps-mc is run with a job.json parameter list. These configuration files contain several parameters, the most common of which are explained below.

input_files input files used by job:
"input_file": "internal_input_name"
output_files files that are written to the output_dir:
"internal_output_name": "output_file"
output_dir output directory
nevents number of events generated/processed
bunches number of bunches?
seed seed for random number generation
target_z z position of target
target_thickness target thickness in cm
num_electrons number of electrons per bunch
beam_energy beam energy in MeV
run_number run number

Job template

Some examples include a job template (job.json.tmpl) and a script (mkjobs.sh) to create a jobs.json file that contains the configuration for multiple jobs. The template uses several variables that are defined in vars.json. There is a dedicated example directory for using the job template, Job Template.