No Matches
Readout and reconstruction

This is an example of how to use the readout_recon_job which takes a slcio file as input, simulates the detector readout and subsequently runs the reconstruction on this data. The script can be extended to also include conversion of the reconstruction output to root files and analysis of those (see readout_recon_job.py).

Job parameters

This table contains parameters special to the readout_recon job. The general parameters are discussed on the examples main page.

filter_nevents_read number of events that are read from input file?
filter_nevents_write number of events written to output file?
filter_event_iterval ?
filter_no_cuts ?
event_print_interval interval at which events will be printed out?
steering_files steering files for readout and reconstruction
input_files list of input slcio files:
"path/to/input": "input_name.slcio"
output_files list of output recon slcio file:
"input_name_filt_readout_recon.slcio": "output.slcio"