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Simp generation to reconstruction pipeline

This is an example of how to use simp_job.py. The job generates simps using MadGraph5, transforms the output from lhe to stdhep, rotates the events into beam coordinates, and runs slic to simulate the detector response. Lastly, pile-up is simulated as well as the detector readout before the reconstruction is run.

Job parameters

This table contains parameters special to the simp job. The general parameters are discussed on the examples main page.

map A-prime mass
mpid dark pi mass
mrhod dark rho mass
filter_no_cuts ?
steering_files readout and reconstruction steering files
output_files signal and reco output slcio files

Job template

This example includes a job template. The variables used in this template mostly have the same name and meaning as the job parameters above. Their values are set in vars.json. The mkjobs.sh script will create a set of jobs for 6 different dark rho masses which are specified in vars.json.