Go to the source code of this file.
class | Batch |
| Generic batch processing interface. More...
class | BatchSystem |
| Represents a batch processing system that requires submission like Slurm or Auger. More...
class | LSF |
| Submit LSF batch jobs. More...
class | Slurm |
| Submit Slurm batch jobs. More...
class | Auger |
| Submit Auger batch jobs. More...
class | Swif |
| Submit using the 'swif2' command at JLAB using an Auger file. More...
class | Local |
| Run local batch jobs sequentially. More...
class | KillProcessQueue |
| Kill processes in the multiprocessing queue if the jobs are canceled. More...
class | Pool |
| Run a set of jobs in a local multiprocessing pool using Python's multiprocessing module. More...
namespace | hpsmc |
namespace | hpsmc.batch |
namespace | batch |
| Defines a set of classes and a command-line interface for submitting batch jobs.
| run_job_pool (cmd) |
| Run the command in a new process whose PID is added to a global MP queue.
| is_running (proc) |
| Check if a system process looks like it is still running.