No Matches
LSF Class Reference

Submit LSF batch jobs. More...

Inheritance diagram for LSF:
BatchSystem Batch

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self)
 parse_args (self, args)
 Parse command line arguments and perform setup.
 build_cmd (self, job_id)
 This is the basic implementation of building a command to run the job from a batch system.
 submit_job (self, job_id)
 Submit a single batch job and return the batch ID.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Batch
 submit (self)
 This is the generic batch submission function which gets a list of jobs to run based on command line arguments and submits them individually.
 default_rundir (self, job_id=None)

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from BatchSystem
- Public Attributes inherited from Batch

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Batch
 _logfile (self, job_id)
 Get the base name of a log file for the job.
 _get_filtered_job_ids (self)
 Get a list of job IDs to submit based on parsed command line options and whether output files are being checked.
 _job_ids_missing_output (self, job_ids)
 Get a list of IDs for jobs that are missing output files.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BatchSystem
 _site ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Batch
 _outputs_exist (job)
 Check if all output files exist for the given job.

Detailed Description

Submit LSF batch jobs.

Definition at line 281 of file batch.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ (   self)

Reimplemented from BatchSystem.

Definition at line 284 of file batch.py.

Member Function Documentation

◆ build_cmd()

build_cmd (   self,

This is the basic implementation of building a command to run the job from a batch system.

Reimplemented from Batch.

Definition at line 291 of file batch.py.

◆ parse_args()

parse_args (   self,

Parse command line arguments and perform setup.

Reimplemented from BatchSystem.

Definition at line 287 of file batch.py.

◆ submit_job()

submit_job (   self,

Submit a single batch job and return the batch ID.

This is abstract as each batch system will do this differently.

Some batch systems don't implement this but sub-classes should override this and make it a no-op so that they can be instantiated.

Reimplemented from Batch.

Definition at line 318 of file batch.py.

Member Data Documentation

◆ job_length


Definition at line 305 of file batch.py.

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