No Matches
Swif Class Reference

Submit using the 'swif2' command at JLAB using an Auger file. More...

Inheritance diagram for Swif:
Auger BatchSystem Batch

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self)
 parse_args (self, args)
 Parse command line arguments and perform setup.
 submit (self)
 Batch submission method for Auger.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Auger
 submit_job (self, job_id)
 Make this a no-op.
 build_cmd (self, job_id)
 This is the basic implementation of building a command to run the job from a batch system.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Batch
 default_rundir (self, job_id=None)

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from Auger
- Public Attributes inherited from BatchSystem
- Public Attributes inherited from Batch

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Auger
 _create_job_xml (self)
 _jsub (self, xml_filename)
 _get_auger_ids (self, out)
 _write_req (self, req, filename='temp.xml')
 _create_req (self, req_name)
 _create_job (self, params)
 Needed for resolving ptag output sources.
 _add_job (self, req, job_params)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Batch
 _logfile (self, job_id)
 Get the base name of a log file for the job.
 _get_filtered_job_ids (self)
 Get a list of job IDs to submit based on parsed command line options and whether output files are being checked.
 _job_ids_missing_output (self, job_ids)
 Get a list of IDs for jobs that are missing output files.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BatchSystem
 _site ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Batch
 _outputs_exist (job)
 Check if all output files exist for the given job.

Detailed Description

Submit using the 'swif2' command at JLAB using an Auger file.

This is just a thin wrapper of the parent class to call the swif2 commands with the generated Auger XML file.

Existing workflows generated by this class should be fully canceled and removed before resubmitting using this interface.

Definition at line 680 of file batch.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

__init__ (   self)

Reimplemented from Auger.

Definition at line 690 of file batch.py.

Member Function Documentation

◆ parse_args()

parse_args (   self,

Parse command line arguments and perform setup.

Reimplemented from BatchSystem.

Definition at line 696 of file batch.py.

◆ submit()

submit (   self)

Batch submission method for Auger.

This differs from some of the other systems in that it doesn't loop over individual job IDs. Instead a single XML file is submitted for all the jobs at once.

Reimplemented from Auger.

Definition at line 705 of file batch.py.

Member Data Documentation

◆ workflow


Definition at line 699 of file batch.py.

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