Iguana 0.0.0
Implementation Guardian of Analysis Algorithms
No Matches
Examples in C++

Detailed Description

Iguana usage examples in C++

See below for the list of examples.

See also
If you use build automation tools, here is guidance on how to include and link to Iguana in your C++ project; they each show how build iguana_ex_cpp_00_run_functions.cc, which "consumes" Iguana and HIPO as dependencies:


file  iguana_ex_cpp_00_run_functions.cc
 Example using full HIPO banks with Iguana algorithms' Run functions. This example requires the user to have the C++ hipo::bank objects; see other examples if you do not have banks in this format.
file  iguana_ex_cpp_01_action_functions.cc
 Example using Iguana action functions on data from bank rows. This is useful for users who do not have the hipo::bank objects, instead only having the numerical data from them.
file  iguana_ex_cpp_config_files.cc
 Example showing how to control algorithm configuration.
file  iguana_ex_cpp_dataframes.cc
 Example using HIPO data frames with Iguana. Requires ROOT.
file  iguana_ex_cpp_ROOT_macro.C
 Very simple example showing how to load and use an Iguana algorithm in a ROOT macro; this example only runs the algorithm and does not require any input data.