Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | wab_gen_to_slic_job |
wab from generation to slic | |
Variables | |
description | |
inputs = list(job.input_files.values()) | |
Get job input file targets. | |
nevents = job.params['nevents'] | |
mg = MG5(name='WAB', event_types=['unweighted']) | |
Generate wab in MG5. | |
cnv = StdHepConverter() | |
Convert LHE output to stdhep. | |
mom = AddMother() | |
Add mother particle to tag trident particles. | |
rot = BeamCoords() | |
Rotate events into beam coords. | |
slic = SLIC(nevents=nevents + 1) | |
Simulate signal events. | |