file | ap_gen_job.py [code] |
| Job script to generate A-prime events.
file | ap_gen_to_slic_job.py [code] |
| Job script to generate A-prime events, convert to StdHep, apply transformations, and resulting simulate signal events using SLIC.
file | ap_slic_job.py [code] |
| Job script to convert A-prime events to StdHep, apply transformations, and resulting simulate signal events using SLIC.
file | beam_coords_job.py [code] |
| Transform events in the input stdhep file to beam coordinates.
file | beam_gen_job.py [code] |
| Generate beam events.
file | beam_gen_sample_job.py [code] |
| Generate beam events, transform them to beam coodinates and randomly sample them.
file | beam_prep_and_slic_job.py [code] |
| Transform events to beam coodinates, randomly sample them and simulating detector response using slic.
file | data_cnv_job.py [code] |
| Convert EVIO to LCIO and then process with HPSTR to produce a recon tuple.
file | dummy_job.py [code] |
| Dummy job script.
file | fee_gen_to_recon_job.py [code] |
file | hpstr_ana_job.py [code] |
| HPSTR analysis.
file | hpstr_job.py [code] |
| HPSTR reconstruction and analysis.
file | idm_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of iDM, detector signals, and readout, followed by reconstruction.
file | lcio_count_job.py [code] |
| Job to count number of events in LCIO file.
file | misalign_job.py [code] |
| Intentionally misalign a detector by changing a set of millepede parameters.
file | moller_gen_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of Moller scattering events.
file | pede_job.py [code] |
| Run pede alignment over input bin files generated by tracking accumulation.
file | rad_gen_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of radiative events.
file | readout_recon_job.py [code] |
| Simulate pile-up, run readout, hps-java recon, and analysis.
file | signal_beam_merge_to_recon_2016_job.py [code] |
file | signal_beam_merge_to_recon_job.py [code] |
| Merging of signal and beam events, simulation of readout, and reconstruction of events.
file | signal_pulser_overlay_to_recon_job.py [code] |
| No idea what this is supposed to do.
file | sim_to_ana_job.py [code] |
| Run hps-sim with preexisting tritrig stdhep files.
file | simp_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of SIMPs, detector signals, and readout, followed by reconstruction.
file | slic_gps_to_ana_job.py [code] |
| Run slic to analysis using gps macro.
file | slic_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of signals in detector using SLIC.
file | slic_to_ana_job.py [code] |
| Run slic to analysis on stdhep file.
file | slic_to_anaMC_job.py [code] |
| Run SLIC to analysis using mcTuple.
file | slic_to_recon_job.py [code] |
| Simulation of signals in detector (using SLIC) and readout.
file | track_align_job.py [code] |
| This job is focused on running the hps-java JobManager once.
file | tritrig_beam_job.py [code] |
| Merge tritrig and beam events.
file | tritrig_beam_slic_to_reco_job.py [code] |
file | tritrig_gen_job.py [code] |
| Simulate tritrig events.
file | tritrig_gen_to_beam_coords_job.py [code] |
| Simulate tritrig events, add mother particle information and rotate events into beam coordinates.
file | tritrig_gen_to_slic_job.py [code] |
file | tritrig_prep_and_slic_job.py [code] |
| Add mother particle information to tritrig events and rotate them into beam coordinates before simulating detector response using slic.
file | tritrig_sim_full_chain_job.py [code] |
file | tritrig_slic_full_chain_job.py [code] |
| Tritrig signal generation using SLIC to recon using hps-sim with no beam background.
file | wab_gen_mg4_job.py [code] |
file | wab_gen_mg5_job.py [code] |
file | wab_gen_sample_job.py [code] |
| Python script for generating sampled WAB events in StdHep format from an input LHE file.
file | wab_gen_to_slic_job.py [code] |