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jobs Directory Reference


 Job script to generate A-prime events.
 Job script to generate A-prime events, convert to StdHep, apply transformations, and resulting simulate signal events using SLIC.
 Job script to convert A-prime events to StdHep, apply transformations, and resulting simulate signal events using SLIC.
 Transform events in the input stdhep file to beam coordinates.
 Generate beam events.
 Generate beam events, transform them to beam coodinates and randomly sample them.
 Transform events to beam coodinates, randomly sample them and simulating detector response using slic.
 Convert EVIO to LCIO and then process with HPSTR to produce a recon tuple.
 Dummy job script.
 HPSTR analysis.
 HPSTR reconstruction and analysis.
 Simulation of iDM, detector signals, and readout, followed by reconstruction.
 Job to count number of events in LCIO file.
 Intentionally misalign a detector by changing a set of millepede parameters.
 Simulation of Moller scattering events.
 Run pede alignment over input bin files generated by tracking accumulation.
 Simulation of radiative events.
 Simulate pile-up, run readout, hps-java recon, and analysis.
 Merging of signal and beam events, simulation of readout, and reconstruction of events.
 No idea what this is supposed to do.
 Run hps-sim with preexisting tritrig stdhep files.
 Simulation of SIMPs, detector signals, and readout, followed by reconstruction.
 Run slic to analysis using gps macro.
 Simulation of signals in detector using SLIC.
 Run slic to analysis on stdhep file.
 Run SLIC to analysis using mcTuple.
 Simulation of signals in detector (using SLIC) and readout.
 This job is focused on running the hps-java JobManager once.
 Merge tritrig and beam events.
 Simulate tritrig events.
 Simulate tritrig events, add mother particle information and rotate events into beam coordinates.
 Add mother particle information to tritrig events and rotate them into beam coordinates before simulating detector response using slic.
 Tritrig signal generation using SLIC to recon using hps-sim with no beam background.
 Python script for generating sampled WAB events in StdHep format from an input LHE file.