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hpsmc.tools Namespace Reference

Tools that can be used in HPSMC jobs. More...


class  AddMother
 Add mother particles for physics samples. More...
class  AddMotherFullTruth
 Add full truth mother particles for physics samples. More...
class  BeamCoords
 Transform StdHep events into beam coordinates. More...
class  DisplaceTime
 Convert LHE files to StdHep, displacing the time by given ctau. More...
class  DisplaceUni
 Convert LHE files to StdHep, displacing the time by given ctau. More...
class  EvioToLcio
 Convert EVIO events to LCIO using the hps-java EvioToLcio command line tool. More...
class  ExtractEventsWithHitAtHodoEcal
 Apply hodo-hit filter and space MC events to process before readout. More...
class  FilterBunches
 Space MC events and apply energy filters to process before readout. More...
class  HPSTR
 Run the hpstr analysis tool. More...
class  JavaTool
 Generic base class for Java based tools. More...
class  JobManager
 Run the hps-java JobManager class. More...
class  LCIOConcat
 Concatenate LCIO files together. More...
class  LCIOCount
 Count events in LCIO files. More...
class  LCIODumpEvent
 Dump LCIO event information. More...
class  LCIOMerge
 Merge LCIO files. More...
class  LCIOTool
 Generic component for LCIO tools. More...
class  LHECount
 Count events in an LHE file. More...
class  MergeFiles
 Merge StdHep files. More...
class  MergePoisson
 Merge StdHep files, applying poisson sampling. More...
class  MoveFiles
 Move input files to new locations. More...
class  RandomSample
 Randomly sample StdHep events into a new file. More...
class  SLIC
 Run the SLIC Geant4 simulation. More...
class  StdHepCount
 Count number of events in a StdHep file. More...
class  StdHepTool
 Generic class for StdHep tools. More...
class  TarFiles
 Tar files into an archive. More...
class  Unzip
 Unzip the input files to outputs. More...

Detailed Description

Tools that can be used in HPSMC jobs.