| __init__ (self, name=None, **kwargs) |
| config (self, parser) |
| Configure LCIOTool component.
| cmd_args (self) |
| Setup command arguments.
| required_config (self) |
| Return list of required config.
| required_parameters (self) |
| Return list of required parameters.
| cmd_line_str (self) |
| execute (self, log_out=sys.stdout, log_err=sys.stderr) |
| Generic component execution method.
| cmd_exists (self) |
| Check if the component's assigned command exists.
| cmd_args_str (self) |
| Return list of arguments, making sure they are all converted to strings.
| setup (self) |
| Perform any necessary setup for this component to run such as making symlinks to required directories.
| cleanup (self) |
| Perform post-job cleanup such as deleting temporary files.
| config_logging (self, parser) |
| Configure the logging for a component.
| set_parameters (self, params) |
| Set class attributes for the component based on JSON parameters.
| optional_parameters (self) |
| Return a list of optional parameters.
| check_config (self) |
| Raise an exception on the first missing config setting for this component.
| input_files (self) |
| Get a list of input files for this component.
| output_files (self) |
| Return a list of output files created by this component.
| config_from_environ (self) |
| Configure component from environment variables which are just upper case versions of the required config names set in the shell environment.
Generic component for LCIO tools.
Required parameters are: none
Required config are: lcio_bin_jar
Definition at line 1411 of file tools.py.