Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <stdhep_util.hh>
7 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
8 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
10 #include <unistd.h>
12 /*
13  * Randomly replace at most 1 event in a background file with a selected event from a signal file.
14  */
15 int main(int argc,char** argv)
16 {
17  int nevhep;
18  vector<stdhep_entry> new_event;
19  vector<stdhep_entry> sig_event;
21  double signal_prob = 0.001;
22  int n_events = 500000;
24  int signal_n = 1;
25  int rseed = 0;
26  int c;
28  while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"hm:s:n:")) != -1)
29  switch (c)
30  {
31  case 'h':
32  printf("-h: print this help\n");
33  printf("-m: probability of a signal event\n");
34  printf("-s: RNG seed\n");
35  printf("-n: which signal event to use\n");
36  return(0);
37  break;
38  case 'm':
39  signal_prob = atof(optarg);
40  break;
41  case 's':
42  rseed = atoi(optarg);
43  break;
44  case 'n':
45  signal_n = atoi(optarg);
46  break;
47  case '?':
48  printf("Invalid option or missing option argument; -h to list options\n");
49  return(1);
50  default:
51  abort();
52  }
54  printf("Mixing in the %dth signal event, with probability %f\n", signal_n, signal_prob);
56  if (argc - optind != 3)
57  {
58  printf("<input background stdhep filename> <input signal stdhep filename> <output stdhep filename>\n");
59  return 1;
60  }
62  //initialize the RNG
63  const gsl_rng_type * T;
64  gsl_rng * r;
65  gsl_rng_env_setup();
67  T = gsl_rng_mt19937;
68  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
69  gsl_rng_set(r, rseed);
71  int bkgd_stream = 0;
72  int sig_stream = 1;
73  int ostream = 2;
74  int ilbl;
76  open_read(argv[optind+1], sig_stream);
77  for (int i = 0; i < signal_n; i++) {
78  if (!read_next(sig_stream)) {
79  close_read(sig_stream);
80  return(1);
81  }
82  }
83  read_stdhep(&sig_event);
84  close_read(sig_stream);
86  open_read(argv[optind], bkgd_stream);
87  open_write(argv[optind+2], ostream, n_events);
88  bool sig_used = false;
90  int evcount = 0;
91  while (read_next(bkgd_stream)) {
92  nevhep = read_stdhep(&new_event);
93  if (!sig_used && gsl_rng_uniform(r) < signal_prob) {
94  write_stdhep(&sig_event, nevhep);
95  sig_used = true;
96  } else {
97  write_stdhep(&new_event, nevhep);
98  }
99  evcount++;
100  write_file(ostream);
101  }
102  close_read(bkgd_stream);
103  close_write(ostream);
104  printf("Counted %d events\n", evcount);
105 }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: mix_signal.cc:15
void open_write(char *filename, int ostream, int n_events)
int open_read(char *filename, int istream, int n_events)
void write_stdhep(vector< stdhep_entry > *new_event, int nevhep)
Definition: stdhep_util.cpp:69
int read_stdhep(vector< stdhep_entry > *new_event)
Definition: stdhep_util.cpp:14
bool read_next(int istream)
void close_read(int istream)
void write_file(int ostream)
void close_write(int ostream)