Simulations for the MOLLER experiment can be run using Docker containers. Docker containers include a fully working simulation environment and all dependencies (Geant4, ROOT).

The instructions below explicitly use the develop code branch. Every branch is available as a tag on Docker Hub.


  • Docker service


You can use a pre-built image on Docker Hub.

docker run --rm \
    -v `pwd`/output:/jlab/2.1/Linux_CentOS7.3.1611-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/remoll/rootfiles/ \
    jeffersonlab/remoll [macro to run]

The ROOT files produced by remoll will be present in the output directory.

Building the Docker container locally

You can build the Docker container directly from the Dockerfile in the git repository with:

docker build -t remoll .

Additional instructions are included at the top of the Dockerfile.