Simulator ========= Examples of how to perform a simulation is provided in the folder :: jam3d/simulation workflow -------- 1) Use the template.xlsx to define the kinematics and setup the relative uncertainties 2) Run the script (./ It will output a file simulation.xlsx comments -------- - The script is generic and can be modified easily. It should be viewed as an example. So the naming for the input and output xlsx files can be changed if desired. This is useful if there are more than one kind of data sets to be simulated - In the example the simulated data coincides with the theory. One can add gaussian noise if desired via :: alpha2=simdata['stat_u']**2 + simdata['syst_u']**2 alpha=alpha2**0.5 simdata['value']+=alpha*np.random(len(alpha)) available examples ------------------ - example00: unpolarized FUU in SIDIS