The Heavy Photon Search Toolkit for Reconstruction (hpstr) provides an interface to physics data from the HPS experiment saved in the LCIO format and converts it into an ROOT based format.
Heavy Photon Search Toolkit for Reconstruction

The Heavy Photon Search Toolkit for Reconstruction (hpstr) provides an interface to physics data from the HPS experiment saved in the LCIO format and converts it into an ROOT based format. It also provides tools which can be used to analyze the ROOT format of the data.

The code base can be found at https://github.com/JeffersonLab/hpstr.

Any questions can be directed to Cameron Bravo.


Hpstr can be installed on the following operating systems with some adjustments depending on the tool set available for compilation.

  • MacOSX
  • Ubuntu 20.4
  • Centos7


  • LCIO
  • ROOT
  • Python 3 (Python 2 is no longer supported)

Installation Steps

After installing the prerequisites, the steps for installing hpstr are as follows:

  • Checkout hpstr
    mkdir hpstr
    cd hpstr
    mkdir src build install
    cd src
    git clone git@github.com:JeffersonLab/hpstr.git
    cd ..
  • Compilation
    cd build
    cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install/ -DLCIO_DIR=$LCIO_DIR ../src/hpstr/
    make -j4 install
    NOTE: On SLAC machines cmake3 is needed to call cmake version 3+, you might just need to call cmake to call the right version on your machine.
    • If you do not want hpstr to use the default python3 executable which it finds in your environment, then supply the full path to the alternate Python installation. ```bash -DPython3_Executable=/path/to/some/python3 ```
    • To compile with debug information, just add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the cmake3 command.
  • Setup
    source install/bin/setup.sh
For more information on how to install hpstr, please refer to the hpstr README.


The basic command string to run hpstr is

Usage: hpstr [application arguments] {configuration_script.py} [arguments to configuration script]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i inFilename, --inFile=inFilename
Input filename.
-d outDir, --outDir=outDir
Specify the output directory.
-o outFilename, --outFile=outFilename
Output filename.
-t, --isData Type of lcio ntuple: 1=data, 0=MC
-y, --year Select year of the data
-n, --nevents Number of events to process

where <config.py> is a config file (which are stored in hpstr/processors/config/), followed by various command line options. Different configuration files, might have specific command line options Please check each configuration file to check which options are available on top of the common ones.

Hpstr can both run on LCIO files to produce ROOT ntuples, producing the hpstr event with all the objects needed for analysis, and on ROOT ntuples to produce histograms. This can be setup by using the appropriate configuration file.

For more information on how to run hpstr, please refer to the hpstr README.