Tutorial Home Introduction Building the Geometry Sensitive Detector and Hits User Actions I

Hands on 3: Build detector, retrieve simulation results

In this third hands-on you will learn how to:


The problem code for this hands-on session can be downloaded here.
For your reference, the complete solution is also available here.
Copy the the tar ball to your local area.

Un-tar the code, configure it with cmake, build it, and run it:

$ cd <tutorial> #change to your working directory
$ tar xzf HandsOn3-problem.tar.gz
$ cd HandsOn3-problem
$ cmake .
$ make -j 2 -f Makefile
$ ./G4tut

Note: Ignore compiler warning messages. They will disappear once you complete the exercise.

This geometry should be displayed:

The geometry is same as Hands On 2, as we will start from here to build a two-arm spectrometer.
The first arm is already defined, and in the first exercise you will build the second arm completed with a calorimeter.

The second arm can be rotated between runs and the magnetic-field value can also be changed at run time using user defined UI commands.
At the end of this hands on the complete geometry will look like this:

The complete setup will include:

Building the geometry

Related lectures: Material definition, Geometry 1, Geometry 2

There are 6 steps involved in this exercise to build the geometry.
The application will compile and work correctly only when the first 5 steps are completed (however it is a good idea to try to compile at each step to fix early trivial errors).
The last step is optional because it has the goal to change visualization attributes (colors of geometry elements) and has no effect on simulation results.

Reminder on different ways to create a geometry setup: Check the DetectorConstruction.hh file, since many variables you will need are already defined there.

Exercise 1 Step 1

Implement the second hodoscope.

The second hodoscope is composed of 25 planes of dimensions: 10x40x1 cm.
The hodoscopes tiles are composed of scintillator material.

Hint: Check what is done for the hodoscope of the first arm. Remember dimensions passed to Geant4 solid classes are half dimensions.


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// =============================================
// Exercise 1
// Complete the full geometry.
// Note that second arm, by default is rotated of
// 30 deg.
// Step 1: Add an hodoscope with dimensions (X,Y,Z):
// (10,40,1)cm made of scintillator.
// There are 25 planes placed at Y=Z=0 (w.r.t. mother volume)
// hodoscopes in second arm
G4VSolid* hodoscope2Solid = new G4Box("hodoscope2Box",5.*cm,20.*cm,0.5*cm);
fHodoscope2Logical = new G4LogicalVolume(hodoscope2Solid,scintillator,"hodoscope2Logical");
for (G4int i=0;i<25;i++)
    G4double x2 = (i-12)*10.*cm;
    new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(x2,0.,0.),fHodoscope2Logical,"hodoscope2Physical",secondArmLogical,false,i,checkOverlaps);

Exercise 1 Step 2

Build the drift chambers.

The second arm contains 5 drift chambers made of argon gas with dimensions 300x60x2 cm.
These are equally spaced inside the second arm starting from -2.5 m to -0.5 m along the Z coordinate.

Hint: Use same methods used for step 1


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// Step 2: Add 5 drift chambers made of argon, with dimensions (X,Y,Z):
// (300,60,2)cm
// These are placed equidistant inside the second arm at distances from -2.5m
// to -0.5m
// drift chambers in second arm
G4VSolid* chamber2Solid = new G4Box("chamber2Box",1.5*m,30.*cm,1.*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* chamber2Logical = new G4LogicalVolume(chamber2Solid,argonGas,"chamber2Logical");
for (G4int i=0;i<5;i++)
    G4double z2 = (i-2)*0.5*m - 1.5*m;
    new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,z2),chamber2Logical,"chamber2Physical",secondArmLogical,false,i,checkOverlaps);

Exercise 1 Step 3

Add a virtual wire plane in the drift chambers.

Add a plane of wires in the drift chambers.

To simplify our problem we do not describe the single wires, instead we add a new argon-filled volume of dimensions 300x60x0.02 cm in the center of each of the five drift chambers.

This exercise is technically simple (a single placement), however it illustrates a very useful concept: we create a single instance of this volume and we place it once inside the mother logical volume (the drift chamber logical volume), since the mother volume is repeated five times, each chamber gets its own wire plane.

We are reducing the number of class instances needed for the description of our geometry (and thus reducing the memory footprint of our application, beside making the code more compact and readable).


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// Step 3: Add a virtual wire plane of (300,60,0.02)cm
// at (0,0,0) in the drift chamber
// virtual wire plane
G4VSolid* wirePlane2Solid = new G4Box("wirePlane2Box",1.5*m,30.*cm,0.1*mm);
fWirePlane2Logical = new G4LogicalVolume(wirePlane2Solid,argonGas,"wirePlane2Logical");
new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.),fWirePlane2Logical, "wirePlane2Physical",chamber2Logical,false,0,checkOverlaps);

Exercise 1 Step 4

Build an electromagnetic calorimeter.

An electromagnetic calorimeter has the goal to measure the energy of absorbed particles.
Its dimensions are such that an electron or gamma of the typical beam energy is fully absorbed, while hadrons (such as protons), only leave a fraction of their energy in an electromagnetic calorimeter (because it is too short).

In our example we implement a homogeneous calorimeter made of a matrix of CsI crystals (a charged particles emits light when interacting with this material, the quantity of light produced is proportional to the energy lost by the particle).


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// Step 4: Build CsI EM-calorimeter of (300,60,30)cm
// placed at (0,0,2)m in the second arm.
// The calorimeter is made of 80 cells,
// parametrised according to CellParametrisation
// G4VPVParameterisation concrete instance.
// This class parametrize the position of each cell depending
// on its copy number.
// The cells have dimensions 15x15x30 cm.
// (you could use placements or replicas, but here
// we show how to use parametrisations to build geometry)
// CsI calorimeter
G4VSolid* emCalorimeterSolid = new G4Box("EMcalorimeterBox",1.5*m,30.*cm,15.*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* emCalorimeterLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(emCalorimeterSolid,csI,"EMcalorimeterLogical");
new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,2.*m),emCalorimeterLogical,"EMcalorimeterPhysical",secondArmLogical,false,0,checkOverlaps);
// EMcalorimeter cells
G4VSolid* cellSolid = new G4Box("cellBox",7.5*cm,7.5*cm,15.*cm);
fCellLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(cellSolid,csI,"cellLogical");
G4VPVParameterisation* cellParam = new CellParameterisation();
new G4PVParameterised("cellPhysical",fCellLogical,emCalorimeterLogical,kXAxis,80,cellParam);

Exercise 1 Step 5

Implement the hadronic calorimeter

This is a sampling calorimeter made of lead as absorber material (used for its high density) interleaved with plates of scintillator (the active material).
It is called sampling because only a fraction of the energy lost by the particles is measured (the one lost in the active material), proportional to the total energy loss and hence to the impinging particle energy (you may be aware of the problem of non-compensation, but we will not discuss it here).

Implement the calorimeter using replicas to slice a larger volume into smaller units.
Below is a schematic drawing of the calorimeter.
From left to right: The beam is perpendicular to the screen.

You can now test the setup.

Use UI commands /tutorial/detector/armAngle, /tutorial/field/value to move the second arm and set the magnetic field.

The methods DefineCommands gives an example on how to define application specific commands (this is an advanced topic not discussed in this Hands-On). Use the help UI command to get help on commands.

Note that the geometry can be changed only between runs.


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// Step 5: Add a "sandwich" hadronic calorimeter of dimensions:
// (300,60,100)cm.
// The calorimeter absorber is made of lead. It is divided in
// towers of (30,60,100)cm. Use replica along X-axis
// for towers.
// A tower is composed of cells, "stacked" along Y-axis
// Each cell has dimension (30,30,100)cm.
// A cells has "layers" along Z-axis. Each layer has dimensions
// (30,30,5)cm. Also in this case use replicas.
// Finally in each layer there is a tile of scintillator material
// of dimensions (30,30,1)cm
// hadron calorimeter
G4VSolid* hadCalorimeterSolid = new G4Box("HadCalorimeterBox",1.5*m,30.*cm,50.*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* hadCalorimeterLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(hadCalorimeterSolid,lead,"HadCalorimeterLogical");
new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,3.*m),hadCalorimeterLogical,"HadCalorimeterPhysical",secondArmLogical,false,0,checkOverlaps);
// hadron calorimeter column
G4VSolid* HadCalColumnSolid = new G4Box("HadCalColumnBox",15.*cm,30.*cm,50.*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* HadCalColumnLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(HadCalColumnSolid,lead,"HadCalColumnLogical");
new G4PVReplica("HadCalColumnPhysical",HadCalColumnLogical,hadCalorimeterLogical,kXAxis,10,30.*cm);
// hadron calorimeter cell
G4VSolid* HadCalCellSolid = new G4Box("HadCalCellBox",15.*cm,15.*cm,50.*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* HadCalCellLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(HadCalCellSolid,lead,"HadCalCellLogical");
new G4PVReplica("HadCalCellPhysical",HadCalCellLogical,HadCalColumnLogical,kYAxis,2,30.*cm);
// hadron calorimeter layers
G4VSolid* HadCalLayerSolid = new G4Box("HadCalLayerBox",15.*cm,15.*cm,2.5*cm);
G4LogicalVolume* HadCalLayerLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(HadCalLayerSolid,lead,"HadCalLayerLogical");
new G4PVReplica("HadCalLayerPhysical",HadCalLayerLogical,HadCalCellLogical,kZAxis,20,5.*cm);
// scintillator plates
G4VSolid* HadCalScintiSolid = new G4Box("HadCalScintiBox",15.*cm,15.*cm,0.5*cm);
fHadCalScintiLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(HadCalScintiSolid,scintillator,"HadCalScintiLogical");
new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,2.*cm),fHadCalScintiLogical,"HadCalScintiPhysical",HadCalLayerLogical,false,0,checkOverlaps);

Exercise 1 Step 6 (Optional)

Provide visualization attributes for the second arm volumes.

Note that hadronic calorimeter sub-structure is by default made invisible to reduce visual clutter. This is helpful to hide the geometry details less important to the simulation.


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

// Step 6: uncomment visualization attributes of the newly created volumes.
// You may need to review the names of the logical volumes
// visualization attributes ------------------------------------------------
G4VisAttributes* visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0,1.0,1.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.9,0.9,0.9)); // LightGray

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0,1.0,1.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.8888,0.0,0.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0,1.0,0.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0,0.8888,0.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.8888,0.8888,0.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.9,0.9,0.0));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));

visAttributes = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));

Sensitive Detectors and Hits

Related lectures: Kernel 1, Scoring 2

In this exercise we will cover basic aspects of retrieving physics quantities from the simulation kernel.

The basic simulation output is called hit (a user-defined class derived from G4VHit). Typically we are not interested in every step in entire detector volumes, but instead we want to retrieve information only for the detector components we are interested in (e.g. the scintillator tiles in the hadronic calorimeter, and not the lead absorber). In Geant4 this is achieved with the concepts of hits and sensitive detectors (SD): you can attach a SD (a user class inheriting from G4VSensitiveDetector) to a logical volume, in this way Geant4 will call your detector code when a particle is making a step in this specific volume.

hit is a container of information you want to retrieve (e.g. energy deposit in space and time).

Information (e.g. energy deposited along the step) can be retrieved from the G4Step and a new hit could be created (or an existing hit is updated).
Geant4 will keep track of all hits created in the application. These can be retrieved at the end of the event for further post-processing and writing to output.

We will show how to measure a quantity, for each event, from the hodoscopes. The goal is to measure at what time and in which hodoscope tile there was a hit.
The exercise is divided in three parts, and you will have to modify four files:

Exercise 2 Step 1

Create a concrete hit class.

In this exercise the concrete hit class represents a data container for only two quantities:
Reminder: a hodoscope is a simple set of scintillator fingers that measure the time in which a charged particle passes through it. It can be used to performed time-of-flight measurement and coarse-granularity position measurements.

You will need to modify the HodoscopeHit class. The class skeleton is already prepared, you should add two data members that identify which hodoscope tile has fired and register the time of the hit.

Implement/modify the Print method to dump the hit content.

The operators new and delete must be overwritten.

Note on new and delete:

Frequest instantiation and deletion of objects can put some pressure on CPU. Allocating an objcet on the heap and releasing it are (relatively) CPU-intensive operations.
In our case, for each event, many hits may be created and deleted at the end of each event. Thus the handling of hits may cause some performance degradation in a complex application.
To mitigate this we use an ad-hoc allocator named G4Allocator that allows for an efficient re-use of memory and avoid many granular instantiations and deletions of objects of the same kind.
The first time a hit is created, a memory pool is created that can hold many hits (like in an array). Each time a hit is created with this overwritten new operator we first look in this pool for an available pre-allocated memory location. If an empty slot is available, we re-use it, otherwise we expand the pool to accommodate more hits. Each time a hit is deleted with this overwritten delete, this memory space is not freed but kept for future re-use.

With this technique we reduce substantially the new/delete cycles needed for the simulation.

An additional complication is that in multi-threading environments special attention is needed for the use of allocators. An object in a worker thread instantiated with this allocator must be deleted by the same thread. The master thread (and other worker threads) may access such an object and get/set its contents, but cannot delete the object.

G4Allocator must be used for each individual concrete class. It must not be used for a base class from which several derived classes with different data members could be instantiated. We recognize this is a topic that requires some advanced knowledge of C++. But keep these code as they are so that you won't get bad surprise when you extend the exercise code in the future.

This exercise implements a single sensitive detector and one hit type. In Hands On 4 additional sensitive detectors are used with hits in the drift chambers and in the calorimeters. You can study that code to see additional types of hits (calorimeter hits are of some interest since accumulate energy from several steps instead of creating a new hit at each step).


File: HodoscopeHit.hh

class HodoscopeHit : public G4VHit

 HodoscopeHit(G4int i,G4double t) ;
 virtual ~HodoscopeHit() {}

 inline void *operator new(size_t) ;
 inline void operator delete(void*aHit);

void Print();

G4int GetID() const { return fId; }

void SetTime(G4double val) { fTime = val; }
G4double GetTime() const { return fTime; }

 G4int fId;
 G4double fTime;

typedef G4THitsCollection<HodoscopeHit> HodoscopeHitsCollection;

extern G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator<HodoscopeHit>* HodoscopeHitAllocator;

inline void* HodoscopeHit::operator new(size_t)
  if (!HodoscopeHitAllocator)
   HodoscopeHitAllocator = new G4Allocator<HodoscopeHit>;
  return (void*)HodoscopeHitAllocator->MallocSingle();

inline void HodoscopeHit::operator delete(void*aHit)
  HodoscopeHitAllocator->FreeSingle((HodoscopeHit*) aHit);

File: HodoscopeHit.cc

G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator<HodoscopeHit>* HodoscopeHitAllocator = nullptr;

HodoscopeHit::HodoscopeHit(G4int i,G4double t)
: G4VHit(), fId(i), fTime(t)

void HodoscopeHit::Print()
  G4cout << " Hodoscope[" << fId << "] " << fTime/ns << " (nsec)" << G4endl;

Exercise 2 Step 2

Create and manipulate hodoscope hits.

For this exercise you will modify the HodoscopeSD.cc file. Some part of the code is already implemented, in particular the initialization of the hits collection, use this code as a reference for your future applications: it is important to understand the details of how the registering of hits with the Geant4 kernel works.

What you need to do for this exercise is to modify the method ProcessHits and implement the logic to extract time and position. This is the method that Geant4 kernel will call every time a particle passes through the volume associated with this SD.
We use information stored in the G4Step object: it encodes the information regarding the simulated step in the geometry volume.

Hint 1: G4Step has two (G4StepPoint) objects that delimit the step (pre-step and post-step). Information of the volume should be taken from "pre-step point".

Hint 2: We are simulating a scintillator detector that will trigger only if some energy has been deposited (i.e. via ionization), for example if a neutron passes through the detector (without making interactions) its passage should not be recorded. Check the energy deposited in the step, if zero do nothing.

Hint 3: More than one step can be done by the same particle in a single volume (why?), in addition secondaries produced in the volume will also make steps in the SD. This mean that for a given primary particle we can have more than one call to the ProcessHits. A realistic detector electronics will responds with a single measurement: to simulate this behavior every time a new step is processed we check if the hit for the hodoscope tile that fired already exists, if so we update the time information if the new hit happens earlier than the already recorded one.


File: HodoscopeSD.cc

G4bool HodoscopeSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory*)
G4double edep = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
if (edep==0.) return true;

G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();

const G4TouchableHistory* touchable = preStepPoint->GetTouchable();
G4int copyNo = touchable->GetVolume()->GetCopyNo();
G4double hitTime = preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();

// check if this finger already has a hit
G4int ix = -1;
for (size_t i=0;i<fHitsCollection->entries();i++)
  if ((*fHitsCollection)[i]->GetID()==copyNo)
    ix = i;

if (ix>=0) // if it has, then take the earlier time
  if ((*fHitsCollection)[ix]->GetTime()>hitTime)
  { (*fHitsCollection)[ix]->SetTime(hitTime); }
else // if not, create a new hit and set it to the collection
  HodoscopeHit* hit = new HodoscopeHit(copyNo,hitTime);

return true;

Exercise 2 Step 3

Construct the SD and attach it to the correct logical volume.

We can now create an instance of the HodoscopeSD and attach it to the correct logical volume. Add a separate instance of the SD to each arm hodoscope.

Give the names /hodoscope1 and /hodoscope2 to these SDs. The same class is used for two logical volumes, the two instances are recognized by Geant4 only via their names.

We are going to modify the method ConstructSDandField in the DetectorCostruction class. If you are already a user of older version of Geant4 (up to version 9.6) this is one of the new main features introduced in version 10.0 to be compatible with multi-threading. To reduce memory consumption geometry is shared among threads, but sensitive-detectors are not.


File: DetectorConstruction.cc

 void DetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField()
  // sensitive detectors -----------------------------------------------------
  G4SDManager* SDman = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer();
  G4String SDname;

  G4VSensitiveDetector* hodoscope1 = new HodoscopeSD(SDname="/hodoscope1");

  G4VSensitiveDetector* hodoscope2 = new HodoscopeSD(SDname="/hodoscope2");

  // magnetic field ----------------------------------------------------------
  fMagneticField = new MagneticField();
  fFieldMgr = new G4FieldManager();
  G4bool forceToAllDaughters = true;
  fMagneticLogical->SetFieldManager(fFieldMgr, forceToAllDaughters);

User Actions I

Related lectures: Kernel 1, Scoring 2

In this exercise we modify ,code>G4UserEventAction, one of the user-action classes, to print on screen the information collected from hodoscopes at the end of each event.

Different user action provides specific interfaces to control the different aspects of the simulation.

Note for users of multi-threaded mode of Geant4: Multi-threading requires user actions to be thread-private (differently from initialization classes that are shared among threads). That means, such user action classes must be instantiated for each worker thread.

G4VUserActionInitialization is the user class to provide a method Build() where all user actions are instantiated (this method is called by each worker thread).

A second method BuildForMaster is called by the master thread. Among all user actions the G4UserRunAction is the only one that can also be instantiated for the master thread, this is to allow for reduction of results from worker threads to master thread (e.g. sum the partial results of each thread into a global result). This will be covered in Hands On 4.

Exercise 3

Using a G4UserEventAction print on screen the number of hits and the time registered in the hodoscopes.

For this exercise you will need to modify, in EventAction.cc, the method EndOfEventAction, called by Geant4 at the end of the simulation of each event. In this method the pointer to the current G4Event is passed to the user-code. From this object you will retrieve the hits collections for the two hodoscopes and dump to screen the collected information.

Part of the EventAction code is already implemented.
Take a moment to study the method BeginOfEventAction: in this method we retrieve the IDs of the two collections. Note the if statement that allows for an efficient search of the IDs, given the collection names, only once. Searching with strings is a time consuming operation, this method allows for reducing the CPU time, if many collections are created this is an important optimization to consider.

Important: The code assumes that, in your HodoscopeSD class, you have named the two SDs as /hodoscope1 and /hodoscope2 and that they create a hit collection called hodosopeColl. Change these accordingly if you have modified the names.

The EventAction is instantiated in the ActionInitialization class. Take a look at it and see how the EventAction is created.

The solution shows how to introduce some run-time checks of the effective existence of the hits. While this is not necessary in this simple code, this is a good code practice: in large applications the presence of hits collections may be decided at run time depending on the job configuration.


File: EventAction.cc

void EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* event)
// =============================================
// Exercise 3
// Print on screen the hits of the hodoscope
// Step 1: Get the hits collection of this event

G4HCofThisEvent* hce = event->GetHCofThisEvent();
if (!hce)
 G4ExceptionDescription msg;
 msg << "No hits collection of this event found.\n";
   "Code001", JustWarning, msg);

// Step 2: Using the memorised IDs get the collections
// corresponding to the two hodoscopes
// Get hits collections

HodoscopeHitsCollection* hHC1 = static_cast <HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHHC1ID));

HodoscopeHitsCollection* hHC2= static_cast <HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHHC2ID));

if ( (!hHC1) || (!hHC2) )
 G4ExceptionDescription msg;
 msg << "Some of hits collections of this event not found.\n";
  G4Exception("EventAction::EndOfEventAction()", "Code001", JustWarning, msg);

// Step 3: Loop on the two collections and dump on screen hits
// Hodoscope 1
G4int n_hit = hHC1->entries();
G4cout << "Hodoscope 1 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit ;i++)
  HodoscopeHit* hit = (*hHC1)[i];

// Hodoscope 2
n_hit = hHC2->entries();
G4cout << "Hodoscope 2 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit ;i++)
  HodoscopeHit* hit = (*hHC2)[i];

With successful execution (try, e.g., /run/beamOn 100), you should see printout like this (actual numbers may vary):

G4WT0> >>> Event 96 >>> Simulation truth : proton (-16.232228069311,0,994.22834019976)
G4WT0> Hodoscope 1 has 1 hits.
G4WT0> Hodoscope[7] 6.8585277990143 (nsec)
G4WT0> Hodoscope 2 has 1 hits.
G4WT0> Hodoscope[8] 59.288664870039 (nsec)
G4WT0> --> Event 97 starts with initial seeds (47098457,35307784).
G4WT0> >>> Event 97 >>> Simulation truth : proton (-5.5136395233946,0,990.67454918706)
G4WT0> Hodoscope 1 has 1 hits.
G4WT0> Hodoscope[7] 6.8697647503318 (nsec)
G4WT0> Hodoscope 2 has 1 hits.
G4WT0> Hodoscope[8] 59.535676954411 (nsec)
G4WT0> Thread-local run terminated.
G4WT0> Run Summary
G4WT0> Number of events processed : 49
G4WT0> User=0.360000s Real=0.184613s Sys=0.000000s [Cpu=195.0%]
Run terminated.
Run Summary
Number of events processed : 100
User=0.360000s Real=0.185584s Sys=0.010000s [Cpu=199.4%]

Created by: Andrea Dotti , May 2018
Updated by: Makoto Asai and Maurizio Ungaro , February 2024