Tutorial Home Introduction Conventions Geant4 Installation Compiling the First Example Familiarizing with a Geant4 Application


During the next days we will develop a Geant4 application that will use Geant4 libraries, version 11.2.1.

Geant4 is a toolkit, thus a Geant4 installation consists of a set of library and header files (plus resource files: the data-base data and examples source code).
You create an application compiled and linked against a Geant4 installation.

Hands On 1: Setting Up the Environment

In this first hands on you will learn: There is no exercise tar-ball for this first hands on since we use Geant4 code base.


We are going to use Geant4 Version 11.2.1 (Geant4 version numbers are expressed with the triplet of numbers: Major.Minor.PatchLevel).

All the Hands On instructions of this week, we will use the following conventions:

Geant4 Installation

Depending on your machine or your preference, follow one of the four installation procedures.

Step-by-step Compilation


With its basic installation options Geant4 Version 11.2.1 does not have external dependencies, except a recent version of cmake1 .

Geant4 version 11.2.1 contains C++11 code, this means that the compiler needs to support this standard. With recent versions of Linux this is the default, but you may need to manually install and setup a compiler in some cases.
Refer to the Geant4 installation guide for additional information, including the list of supported compilers.

1 The role of cmake is to automatically create Makefiles (or project files for IDEs) based on options that can be specified based on your own environments.
We will show how to use cmake via command line options, but a menu-based version of cmake exists (type ccmake instead of cmake) and for some platforms also a GUI is available (cmake-gui). Geant4 Version 11.2.1 requires cmake version at least 3.16.

Visualization and GUI

We will also describe how to setup and use the interactive graphical user interface (GUI) based on Qt.
We use Qt version 5.6. Many Linux distributions already have a pre-installed version of Qt. It is relatively easy to manually install Qt on a Linux or Mac system, but we will not cover this step in this tutorial.
This component is optional, if you do not want to use Qt, simply skip the Qt options during configuration. None of exercises require GUI interfaces to be completed.

If you do not have Qt or do not want to use it, the examples in this tutorial will fall back to simple OpenGL graphics. In such a case to enable OpenGL graphics, use -DGEANT_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON when configuring G4 with cmake.
While for Linux this should not be a problem, it could have issues on Mac systems. If this fail, contact us.


Starting with Geant4 Version 11 series, we introduced event level parallelism via tasking mechanism. This means that we will develop a parallel application that will simulate events using multiple number of available cores of your machine.
This is an optional component, by default it is on, but if you do not want to enable MT you can still follow the exercises as they are, since the code is also compatible with the sequential version of Geant4.

Step 0: Obtain the Geant4 code

After downloading and un-packing Geant4 tarball (geant4-v11.2.1.tar.gz) in an empty working directory, you also need to create build and install directories where the compilation of Geant4 is performed, and resulted Geant4 libraries and related scripts are installed, respectively: cmake uses out of source builds.

$ cd <tutorial>
$ wget http://cern.ch/geant4-data/releases/geant4-v11.2.1.tar.gz
$ tar zxpf geant4-v11.2.1.tar.gz
$ mkdir build install
$ ls
build geant4-v11.2.1 geant4-v11.2.1.tar.gz install

Step 1: Configuration

In the following we assume you are using a Linux machine. For Mac users there are little differences, except that you will rely on the system compiler (clang) and cannot set an alternative compiler (in an easy way).

Let's configure Geant4:

$ cd build


If everything goes as expected cmake will work few seconds on the configuration. The last lines should read:

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: <tutorial>/build

Additional Notes and configuration options:

Step 2: Compilation

Compile Geant4, on a multi-core system with N cores you can substantially speedup compilation. In the build directory:

$ make -j N #or gmake -j N
$ make install


After Geant4 has been compiled and installed the content of the <tutorial>/install directory should contain the directories: bin share include lib[64]
The include directory contains a sub-directory (Geant4) where all the .hh files are located. The directory lib[64] contains all Geant4 libraries and a sub-directory: Geant4-11.2.1, this contains cmake files specific to Geant4 (they are used to compile an application via cmake that uses Geant4).

Using Docker

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. Docker is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS. You can find the installation instructions for your OS here.

We have a Docker image with Geant4 11.2.1 installed. You can pull it by running the following command (note, you only need to pull once):

$ docker pull jeffersonlab/sim:g4v11.2.1-fedora36-cvmfs

A productive way to use this image is to create a directory on your local machine to share with the container (we'll use ~/mywork as an example). This way you can edit your work on your local machine and run it in the container.

$ mkdir ~/mywork
Run the image in batch mode or interactively, mounting ~/mywork and making it available as /usr/local/mywork. Here is how:

Run in Batch Mode:

$ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork jeffersonlab/sim:g4v11.2.1-fedora36-cvmfs bash
In batch mode the environment will load automatically and you will see this prompt:

[root@8eec32cdb4ea local]#

You are now inside the container, and can run Geant4 examples/applications w/o GUIs. When you are done, type exit to leave the container.

Run Interactively:

$ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork jeffersonlab/sim:g4v11.2.1-fedora36-cvmfs
On some MacOS systems with M[1,2,3] CPU, you may need to disable the "Use Rosetta" option for docker to run properly.

In interactive mode a prompt will not appear, but the following message will be displayed:

Browse to:

Navigate to the URL in your web browser to access the container's desktop environment. You will see this image:

Click the connect button to access the container's desktop environment. You will be able to run Geant4 examples/applications with GUIs:

When you are done, CNTRL-C in the terminal to stop the container.

Download pre-compiled libraries

You may download binary images of pre-compiled Geant4 libraries for selected combinations of OS and compiler. You also need to download necessary data files from Geant4 download page.

Installing the Geant4 Virtual Machine

Note for virtual machine user: if you are using a VM, even if you have a multi-core laptop it is possible that the VM sees only one CPU core.
It is usually just a matter of VM configuration to allow more than one CPU in the guest OS.

The Geant4 Virtual Machine provides a recent version of the Geant4 source code, examples and libraries; it includes a compiler and extra software such as a large set of visualisation libraries and analysis tools.
It provides a fully working Geant4 system.
It helps you avoid the effort to find and install the key pieces needed to create an installation on your own system, which varies depending on the OS, its version and many other factors.

The following information is a summary of the key steps. Further guidance can be found at the CENBG home of the Geant4 Virtual Machine.

Step 1: Ensure that your machine can run the Geant4 Virtual Machine

Make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements:

Step 2: Obtain a Virtual Machine 'player'

There is a choice of Virtual machine host software. The following is what we recommend: If you identify issues with the recommended software or versions, please inform us.

Step 3: Obtain the Geant4 virtual machine

Obtain the Virtual machine file which corresponds to your player, and uncompress it:

Step 4: Un-compressing and starting the Virtual Machine

You need software which can un-compress '7z' files. There are many other choices, such as the popular (de-)compressor WinZip. On macOS you may use the built-in Archive Utility. Follow the instructions in the readme file for launching the VM. Note that you may encounter issues on opening the VM file:

Step 5: Locate the Geant4 installation and check it

We thank CENBG and CNRS for providing the Geant4 Virtual Machine, which is described in the article Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput. 1 (2010) 157-178, for updating it regularly and promptly with each production release and patch, and for their helpful collaboration.

Compiling the first example

Setting the Environment

Every time you want to compile or run an application using Geant4, remember to set up run-time environment variables.
Use the appropriate script extension depending on your shell type, geant4.sh for bash family while geant4.csh for tcsh family.

Also remember <tutorial> is the working directory and <geant4> is the directory where Geant4 is installed.
You must replace this string with the appropriate directory path in your disk space.

$ source <geant4>/install/bin/geant4.[c]sh
$ printenv | grep GEANT4

Note: This is not needed when using docker, as the environment is already setup, and <geant4> is $G4INSTALL/source.

Exercise 1

Compile Example basic B1 provided with Geant4. Example code can be found at: <geant4>/examples/basic/B1.

This is an application that needs Geant4 libraries and headers to be compiled correctly, thus you will need to instruct cmake to use Geant4 from the location where it is installed.

$ cd <tutorial>
$ mkdir HandsOn1
$ cd HandsOn1
$ cp -r <geant4>/examples/basic/B1 .
$ cd B1
$ cmake .
$ make -j 2 -f Makefile
... some lines of output ...

If you get the line: [100%] Built target exampleB1 everything worked as expected.

Familiarizing with a Geant4 application

Exercise 2

Start the application built in the previous exercise.


$ ./exampleB1
Geant4 will initialize and will greet you with some output, the first lines should read:
 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
  << in Multi-threaded mode >>
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW : http://geant4.org/

G4 can be quite verbose, especially if you have enabled MT support.

If you receive error messages like ERROR: G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue: no current viewer you can safely ignore them.

If you use Qt:

A GUI window should pop up.

You can type your command in the Session: field at the right-bottom of the window. You may also pick a command from the left side menu.
Try 10 events and see trajectories.
/run/beamOn 10

If you do not use Qt but use OpenGL visualization:

A visualization window will appear with the geometry displayed.

You will see Geant4 prompt on your terminal screen, where you can issue Geant4 commands.

Try 10 events and see trajectories.
Idle> /run/beamOn 10
Idle> exit

Exercise 3

Compile a second exercise. Browse the <geant4>/examples/ directory and try a few examples.
Compile/run them following the instructions of the previous exercises.

Move to an appropriate directory before copying the second example.
Important: Some examples may require additional libraries (e.g. GDML), thus may not compile in this setup.

Created by: Andrea Dotti , May 2018
Updated by: Makoto Asai and Maurizio Ungaro , February 2024