Tutorial Home Introduction User Actions II Analysis

Hands on 4: First physics measurements

In this fourth hands-on you will learn:


The problem code for this hands-on session can be downloaded here.
For your reference, the complete solution is also available here.
Copy the the tar ball to your local area.

Un-tar the code, configure it with cmake, build it, and run it:

$ cd <tutorial> #change to your working directory
$ tar xzf HandsOn4-problem.tar.gz
$ cd HandsOn4-problem
$ cmake .
$ make -j 2 -f Makefile
$ ./G4tut

Note: Ignore compiler warning messages. They will disappear once you complete the exercise.

The code of this tutorial is a modified version of Geant4 example B5. You can review almost all concepts from this tutorial in the example that can be found under: <geant4>/examples/basic/B5.

The geometry is the same as the completion of the previous hands on.
We will not modify the geometry anymore, but several sensitive detectors and hits classes have been added to the setup.

Take a moment to look at the classes whose filenames ends with strings SD and Hit. In particular it is important that you understand how the calorimeter hits work. In exercise number 2 you will calculate a very simple physics quantity (a partial shower shape) from the energy released in calorimeters.

Geant4 does not provide/recommend specific utilities for the analysis operations because these are strongly detector-specific.
These are compatible with AIDA and ROOT output format and they do not require any library installed on the system. They can also dump output in tabular form in text files (CSV) to import data in (virtually) any analysis system (pylab, R, Octave, Excel, Matlab,Mathematica, ...).
If you do not have an AIDA-compliant tool nor ROOT installed, will not be able to display histograms, but you will still be able to read data written in CSV format.

For your interest here are some links:

User Actions II

Related lectures: Kernel 1, Kernel 2, Scoring 2

In Exercise 3 of Hands On 3 you have printed on screen, for each simulated event, the hits collected in the hodoscope.

In this exercise we will show how to accumulate some information (the energy deposited in the calorimeters) over the entire run. We will also show how to merge (i.e. reduce or combine) the results in a multi-threaded application.

The goal of these two exercises is to calculate the average energy released in the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter and the average partial shower shape.

A shower shape is a quantity that describes the characteristic spatial dimensions of particle showers in calorimeters. In this example we will calcualte the fraction of energy released in the electromagnetic calorimeter. An electron or gamma has the em fraction very close to 1; a hadron will have a smaller value of the em fraction.

During the simulation of a run an instance of a G4Run exists and is managed by Geant4 kernel. User should extend this class to accumulate user data.

Exercise 1 Step 1

Create a user-defined run class.

Modify the file Run.hh, a class inheriting from G4Run: extend the class to contain the information to be stored (of types double):
Since you will need to access hits collections from calorimeters, add two integer data members to keep track of the hits collection ids.

Question: what are the data members of the base class G4Run?


File: Run.hh

class Run : public G4Run {
 virtual ~Run() {};
 virtual void RecordEvent(const G4Event*);
 virtual void Merge(const G4Run*);
 G4double GetEmEnergy() const { return em_ene; }
 G4double GetHadEnergy() const { return had_ene; }
 G4double GetShowerShape() const { return shower_shape; }
 G4double em_ene; //accumulated energy in EM calo
 G4double had_ene;//accumulated energy in HAD calo
 G4double shower_shape;//accumulated shower shape (
 f=EM/(EM+HAD) )
 G4int ECHCID; //ID for EM hits collection
 G4int HCHCID; //ID for HAD hits collection

Exercise 1 Step 2

Accumulate physics quantities.

Modify in file Run.cc the method RecordEvent. This method is called by Geant4 kernel at the end of each event passing the pointer to the current event.

Retrieve here the hits collections of both calorimeters, loop on all hits and calculate the needed physics quantities. In the constructor of Run class initialize the class data members to an initial value (0 for energy and shape and -1 for ids).

Hint: Note that the initial value of -1 for hits id allows you to be efficient in searching the hits by collection: if id==-1 you need to search the collections, if not you already did this opeartion and you can skip the heavy search by string.


File: Run.cc

Run::Run(): G4Run(), em_ene(0), had_ene(0), shower_shape(0) , ECHCID(-1), HCHCID(-1) { }
void Run::RecordEvent(const G4Event* evt)
// Forward call to base class
// This is important, can you tell why?

if ( ECHCID == -1 || HCHCID == -1) {
  G4SDManager* sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer();
  ECHCID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("EMcalorimeter/EMcalorimeterColl");
  HCHCID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("HadCalorimeter/HadCalorimeterColl");
G4HCofThisEvent* hce = evt->GetHCofThisEvent();
if (!hce) {
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "No hits collection of this event found.\n";
  G4Exception("Run::RecordEvent()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);
const EmCalorimeterHitsCollection* emHC = static_cast<const EmCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(ECHCID));
const HadCalorimeterHitsCollection* hadHC = static_cast<const HadCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(HCHCID));
if ( !emHC || !hadHC )
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "Some of hits collections of this event not found.\n";
  G4Exception("Run::RecordEvent()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);
G4double em = 0;
G4double had = 0;
for (size_t i=0;i<emHC->GetSize();i++)
  EmCalorimeterHit* hit = (*emHC)[i];
  em += hit->GetEdep();
for (size_t i=0;i<hadHC->GetSize();i++)
  HadCalorimeterHit* hit = (*hadHC)[i];
  had += hit->GetEdep();
had_ene += had;
em_ene += em;
if ( had+em > 0 ) //Protect agains the case had+em=0
  shower_shape += ( em/(had+em) );

Exercise 1 Step 3

Implement reduction for multi-threading.

This step is optional for application without multi-thread support.
Why you need this? Remember in a multi-threaded application each worker thread has its own instance of class G4Run.

Events are distributed and you end the simulation with many run objects (one per worker task/thread). Geant4 provides a way to merge these sub-runs into a single global one. This is done implementing a Merge method in the Run class. Geant4 kernel works in a way that the worker threads will call the Merge method of the master run object passing a pointer to the worker run object.

The animation below explains what is happening under the hood.

Geant4 kernel will take care of synchronizing the threads to avoid race conditions):


File: Run.cc

void Run::Merge(const G4Run* aRun)
  const Run* localRun = static_cast<const Run*>(aRun);
  em_ene += localRun->GetEmEnergy();
  had_ene += localRun->GetHadEnergy();
  shower_shape += localRun->GetShowerShape();
  // Forward call to base-class
  // This is important, can you tell why?

Exercise 1 Step 4

Create an instance of user-defined run class at each new run.

Now that you have extended G4Run you need to tell Geant4 kernel to use it instead of the default one. To do so you need to modify the method RunAction::GenerateRun and return an instance of Run instead of the default (this method is called by Geant4 at the beginning of each run). The method is already implemented in RunAction.cc file.


File: RunAction.cc

G4Run* RunAction::GenerateRun() {
return new Run;

Exercise 2

Calculate physics quantities and print them on screen.

Now that Run class has been modified to include user data we can print out the summary of our simple data analysis at the end of the run.

To do that we modify the method EndOfRunAction of the RunAction class (RunAction.cc file).
Retrieve from the run object the information you need and calculate the average energy release in calorimeters and the shower shape.

Hint 1: Note that Geant4 will pass you an object of type G4Run (the base class). You need to make an appropriate cast to access your data.
Hint 2: The total number of events is a data member of base class G4Run. Check in online documentation how to get it.
Hint 3: The quantity have been stored in Geant4 natural units. A useful function G4BestUnit can be used to print on screen a variable with a dimension. For example:

G4double someValue = 0.001*GeV;
G4cout<< G4BestUnit( someValue , "Energy" )<<G4endl; //Will print "1 MeV"


File: RunAction.cc

void RunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* run)
 const Run* myrun = dynamic_cast<const Run*>(run);
 if ( myrun )
   G4int nEvents = myrun->GetNumberOfEvent();
   if ( nEvents < 1 )
    G4ExceptionDescription msg;
    msg << "Run consists of 0 events";
    G4Exception("RunAction::EndOfRunAction()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);
   G4double em_ene = myrun->GetEmEnergy();
   G4double had_ene = myrun->GetHadEnergy();
   G4double shower_shape = myrun->GetShowerShape();
   G4int safety = ( nEvents > 0 ? nEvents : 1);//To avoid divisions by zero

   G4cout<<"Run["<<myrun->GetRunID()<<"] With: "<<nEvents<<"Events\n"
   <<" <E_em>="<<G4BestUnit(em_ene/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
   <<" <E_had>="<<G4BestUnit(had_ene/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
   <<" <E>="<<G4BestUnit((em_ene+had_ene)/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
   <<" <ShowerShape>="<<shower_shape/safety<<G4endl;
 } else {
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "Run is not of correct type, skipping analysis";
  G4Exception("RunAction::EndOfRunAction()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);

Using g4analysis to store the results in a file

Related lectures: Kernel 2, Analysis

In these exercises we will use G4AnalysisManager to store in ntuples and histograms the content of hits collections.

The goal of the g4analysis module is to provide light-weight support for simple storage of data.

We show below four different ways to visualize the histograms produced by g4analysis.

1. Using ROOT

You can use the provided plot.C to display the histograms produced by g4analysis by typing on a terminal:
The plotting script relies on the histogram names and file to be the one produced by the solution of this exercise.

root -l plot.C root[0] #Type ".q" to exit root

2. Using an AIDA-compliant tool
example in JAS3:

3. Using matlab/octave
You can plot the 1D histograms from this tutorial with the following commands:


4. Using matplotlib
You can use the provided plot_histofiles.py to display the CSV histograms produced by g4analysis .

For this tutorial both the VM and the docker image have installed ROOT system (not matplotlib or octave), so we use this as the default format.


G4analysis Histograms are automatically merged from all worker threads, with the concept similar to what shown in HandsOn 3.


For ntuples it makes not much sense to do the automatic merging, because what you will do for analysis is to process one file after the other.
For ntuples the file name is: Tutorial_t*.[root|xml], for CSV the name is: Tutorial_nt_[ntupleName]_t*.csv.

Exercise 3 Step 1

Define content of the output file(s).

Create output file(s) and define their content: four histograms and one nutple.


File: RunAction.cc

RunAction::RunAction() : G4UserRunAction()
 // Create analysis manager
 // Create analysis manager, set output format and file name
 auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

 // Default settings
 G4cout << "Using " << analysisManager->GetType() << G4endl;

 // Book histograms, ntuple

 // Creating 1D histograms
 analysisManager->CreateH1("Chamber1","Drift Chamber 1 # Hits", 50, 0., 50); // h1 Id = 0
 analysisManager->CreateH1("Chamber2","Drift Chamber 2 # Hits", 50, 0., 50); // h1 Id = 1

 // Creating 2D histograms
 analysisManager->CreateH2("Chamber1_XY","Drift Chamber 1 X vs Y",50, -1000., 1000, 50, -300., 300.); // h2 Id = 0
 analysisManager->CreateH2("Chamber2_XY","Drift Chamber 2 X vs Y",50, -1500., 1500, 50, -300., 300.); // h2 Id = 1

 // Creating ntuple
 analysisManager->CreateNtuple("Tutorial", "Hits");
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleIColumn("Dc1Hits"); // column Id = 0
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleIColumn("Dc2Hits"); // column Id = 1
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("ECEnergy"); // column Id = 2
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("HCEnergy"); // column Id = 3
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Time1"); // column Id = 4
 analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Time2"); // column Id = 5
 analysisManager->FinishNtuple(); //Do not forget this line!

Note: We book histograms and define the nutple in the constructor of the G4UserRunAction class, however you should note that this class is instantiated only once per job, even if multiple runs are simulated. This means that you cannot change the content of the output file between runs. If you think that you will do that, you can book histograms and define columns in the ntuple in the BeginOfRunAction method.

Exercise 3 Step 2

Open the output file at each new run.

Defining an output file and its content is not enough, you need to explicitly open it. The best way to do so is to open it at the beginning of a new run.

In more complex setups where you will perform more than one run per job, you can change the file name at each new run (e.g. via UI commands or append the run number to the file name), so you can produce one file output for each run.


File: RunAction.cc

void RunAction::BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run* /*run*/)
 // Get analysis manager
 // Create analysis manager
 G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
 // Open an output file  // The default file name is set in RunAction::RunAction(),  // it can be overwritten in a macro

Exercise 3 Step 3

Write out the file.

Output files must be explicitly written to disk and closed. It is a good idea to do that at the end of the run.


File: RunAction.cc

void RunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* run)
 const Run* myrun = dynamic_cast<const Run*>(run);
 if ( myrun )
  G4int nEvents = myrun->GetNumberOfEvent();
  if ( nEvents < 1 )
    G4ExceptionDescription msg;
    msg << "Run consists of 0 events";
    G4Exception("RunAction::EndOfRunAction()", "Code001", JustWarning, msg);
  G4double em_ene = myrun->GetEmEnergy();
  G4double had_ene = myrun->GetHadEnergy();
  G4double shower_shape = myrun->GetShowerShape();
  G4int safety = ( nEvents > 0 ? nEvents : 1);//To avoid divisions by zero
  G4cout<<"Run["<<myrun->GetRunID()<<"] With: "<<nEvents<<"Events\n"
  <<" <E_em>="<<G4BestUnit(em_ene/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
  <<" <E_had>="<<G4BestUnit(had_ene/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
  <<" <E>="<<G4BestUnit((em_ene+had_ene)/safety,"Energy")<<"\n"
  <<" <ShowerShape>="<<shower_shape/safety<<G4endl;
 } else {
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "Run is not of correct type, skypping analysis via RunAction";
  G4Exception("RunAction::EndOfRunAction()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);
 // Exercise 3 Step 3:
 // Write and close output file
 // save histograms & ntuple
 G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

Exercise 3 Step 4

Fill histograms and ntuple with data.

At the end of each event you should retrieve informaiton from hits collection and fill the histograms and ntuple objects. You can access filled hits at the end of each event in EventAction class.


File: EventAction.cc

#include "G4AnalysisManager.hh"

void EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* event)
 G4HCofThisEvent* hce = event->GetHCofThisEvent();
 if (!hce)
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "No hits collection of this event found.\n";
  G4Exception("EventAction::EndOfEventAction()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);

 // Get hits collections
 HodoscopeHitsCollection* hHC1 = static_cast<HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHHC1ID));
 HodoscopeHitsCollection* hHC2 = static_cast<HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHHC2ID));
 DriftChamberHitsCollection* dHC1 = static_cast<DriftChamberHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fDHC1ID));
 DriftChamberHitsCollection* dHC2 = static_cast<DriftChamberHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fDHC2ID));
 EmCalorimeterHitsCollection* ecHC = static_cast<EmCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fECHCID));
 HadCalorimeterHitsCollection* hcHC = static_cast<HadCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHCHCID));

 if ( (!hHC1) || (!hHC2) || (!dHC1) || (!dHC2) || (!ecHC) || (!hcHC) )
  G4ExceptionDescription msg;
  msg << "Some of hits collections of this event not found.\n";
  G4Exception("EventAction::EndOfEventAction()","Code001", JustWarning, msg);

 // Fill histograms & ntuple
 // Exercise 3 Step 4:
 // Fill histograms & ntuple

 // Get analysis manager
 G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

 // Fill histograms

 G4int n_hit = dHC1->entries();
 analysisManager->FillH1(0, n_hit);

 for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
  DriftChamberHit* hit = (*dHC1)[i];
  G4ThreeVector localPos = hit->GetLocalPos();
  analysisManager->FillH2(0, localPos.x(), localPos.y());

 n_hit = dHC2->entries();
 analysisManager->FillH1(1, n_hit);

 for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
  DriftChamberHit* hit = (*dHC2)[i];
  G4ThreeVector localPos = hit->GetLocalPos();
  analysisManager->FillH2(1, localPos.x(), localPos.y());

 // Fill ntuple

 // Dc1Hits
 analysisManager->FillNtupleIColumn(0, dHC1->entries());
 // Dc2Hits
 analysisManager->FillNtupleIColumn(1, dHC2->entries());

 // ECEnergy
 G4int totalEmHit = 0;
 G4double totalEmE = 0.;
 for (G4int i=0;i<80;i++)
  EmCalorimeterHit* hit = (*ecHC)[i];
  G4double eDep = hit->GetEdep();
  if (eDep>0.)
   totalEmE += eDep;
 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(2, totalEmE);

 // HCEnergy
 G4int totalHadHit = 0;
 G4double totalHadE = 0.;
 for (G4int i=0;i<20;i++)
  HadCalorimeterHit* hit = (*hcHC)[i];
  G4double eDep = hit->GetEdep();
  if (eDep>0.)
   totalHadE += eDep;
 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(3, totalHadE);

 // Time 1
 for (size_t i=0;i<hHC1->entries();i++)

 // Time 2
 for (size_t i=0;i<hHC2->entries();i++)


 // Print diagnostics: UI command /run/printProgress can be used
 // to set frequency of how often info should be dumpled

 G4int printModulo = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetPrintProgress();
 if ( printModulo==0 || event->GetEventID() % printModulo != 0) return;

 G4PrimaryParticle* primary = event->GetPrimaryVertex(0)->GetPrimary(0);
 G4cout << G4endl
 << ">>> Event " << event->GetEventID() << " >>> Simulation truth : "
 << primary->GetG4code()->GetParticleName()
 << " " << primary->GetMomentum() << G4endl;

 // Hodoscope 1
 n_hit = hHC1->entries();
 G4cout << "Hodoscope 1 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
 for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
  HodoscopeHit* hit = (*hHC1)[i];

 // Hodoscope 2
 n_hit = hHC2->entries();
 G4cout << "Hodoscope 2 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
 for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
  HodoscopeHit* hit = (*hHC2)[i];

 // Drift chamber 1
 n_hit = dHC1->entries();
 G4cout << "Drift Chamber 1 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
 for (G4int i2=0;i2<5;i2++)
  for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
   DriftChamberHit* hit = (*dHC1)[i];
   if (hit->GetLayerID()==i2) hit->Print();

 // Drift chamber 2
 n_hit = dHC2->entries();
 G4cout << "Drift Chamber 2 has " << n_hit << " hits." << G4endl;
 for (G4int i2=0;i2<5;i2++)
  for (G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
   DriftChamberHit* hit = (*dHC2)[i];
   if (hit->GetLayerID()==i2) hit->Print();

 // EM calorimeter
  G4cout << "EM Calorimeter has " << totalEmHit << " hits. Total Edep is "
  << totalEmE/MeV << " (MeV)" << G4endl;
 // Had calorimeter
  G4cout << "Hadron Calorimeter has " << totalHadHit << " hits. Total Edep is "
  << totalHadE/MeV << " (MeV)" << G4endl;

Exercise 3 Step 5

Select output file format.

You can select the output file format by changing the format name of SetDefaultFileType().

Currently "csv", "hdf5", "root" and "xml" are available.


File: RunAction.cc

RunAction::RunAction() : G4UserRunAction()
 // Create analysis manager
 // Create analysis manager, set output format and file name
 auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

 // Default settings
 G4cout << "Using " << analysisManager->GetType() << G4endl;

Created by: Andrea Dotti , May 2018
Updated by: Makoto Asai and Maurizio Ungaro , February 2024