How to use Geant4 on the JLab CUE machines (ifarm)
A full installation of Geant4 that includes qt5, clhep and xercesc is available at Jefferson Lab on the CUE machines.
To load the latest version of Geant4 (currently 11.3.0), use the following commands:
module use /scigroup/cvmfs/geant4/modules
module load geant4
Run module avail geant4
to show the available versions of Geant4, and module switch geant4/<version>
to change Geant4 version.
How to use Geant4 on your local machine using CVMFS
If you have access to a CVMFS client and your OS platform is supported, you can load Geant4 with the following commands:
module use /cvmfs/
module avail geant4
module load geant4
Use module switch geant4/<version>
to change Geant4 version.
Supported Platforms: AlmaLinux 9.4 - Ubuntu24 - Fedora36 - MacOS 15 (Sequoia)
Use a Docker Container
The following docker containers are available:
- jeffersonlab/geant4:g4v11.3.0-fedora36
- jeffersonlab/geant4:g4v11.3.0-almalinux94
- jeffersonlab/geant4:g4v11.3.0-ubuntu24
To use, we recommend mounting a work directory to the container (here we use ~/work
) to save your work through docker sessions.
In the following examples we’ll use the fedora
container, but the same applies to the other containers.
Batch mode:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork jeffersonlab/geant4:g4v11.3.0-fedora36 bash
Interactive mode:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/usr/local/mywork -p 8080:8080 jeffersonlab/geant4:g4v11.3.0-fedora36
After the above command, follow the instructions in the terminal to open a browser and connect to the container’s port.
If you want to use containers with different versions of Geant4, replace 11.3.0 with one of the supported versions.
Questions or Feedback?
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at ungaro. For general Geant4 issues, please use the Geant4 Forum.